Win 7 can no longer "Run as Administrator"
I'm a DA at my job, but I log into my machine with a reduced security login. I open mmc, cmd, and other programs by "run as administrator." Just recently, it stopped prompting me to type in my username and password. MMC gives me the following error. "You do not have permission to perform this operation. Details: Access is denied" There isn't an advanced option under short cut properties to, "Always run as administrator." This just started happening in the last couple days. I first noticed it on Wednesday on one of my other win 7 machines. I needed to get into my domain console today, and couldn't open it. Currently I have to 'switch users' to do anything in a DA role. Any suggestions?
September 29th, 2010 4:00pm

Did you disable UAC? This will cause such behavior. Best greetings from Germany Olaf
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September 29th, 2010 5:02pm

I'm new to Win 7. But I never disabled that on any of my machines. It may be our System Administrator playing around with policies. I re-enabled UAC and I've got my prompt back. Thanks, Brian
September 29th, 2010 7:14pm

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